The technologies I work with

PHP is a popular programming language used for creating websites and web applications. It operates on the server-side, enabling the generation of dynamic content and interaction with databases.

WordPress is a popular and user-friendly content management system (CMS) that allows for the creation and management of websites and blogs.

Laravel is a popular framework for building web applications in the PHP language. Renowned for its clear syntax, it provides tools that facilitate work, such as routing, ORM, and template systems, speeding up the process of creating advanced websites and applications.

MySQL is a popular and widely-used relational database management system, enabling storage, organization, and manipulation of data using the SQL language.

Git is a distributed version control system that enables developers to track changes in the source code of a project, collaborate on it, and revert to previous versions for effective code management.

Docker is a containerization platform that allows for the isolation and execution of applications in lightweight, portable containers, making it easier to deploy and scale applications across various environments.
Attributes of my code




foreign languages I know
My projects

Inpost Paczkomaty
WordPress plugin enabling the addition of Inpost Paczkomat delivery option in WooCommerce
About me
New things do not evoke fear in me; rather, curiosity drives me to eagerly learn about new technologies. As a programmer, besides writing code, effective communication is of great importance to me. I strive to develop my 'soft' skills to effectively communicate with project managers and, when necessary, clients.